BOOSTER Project Review Meeting

At the end of 2024, the BOOSTER consortium held its second Review Meeting with the CINEA Project Officer. This virtual meeting provided an important opportunity for consortium partners to present an overview of the activities undertaken and the progress achieved thus far.

The review focused on several key areas of the project’s development, including:

  • Work plan implementation – assessing the extent to which the work plan has been carried out;
  • Deliverable completion – verifying the completion of all due deliverables;
  • Resource usage – evaluating the use of resources in relation to the progress achieved;
  • Project management – reviewing the project’s management procedures and methods;
  • Partner contributions – examining the contributions of all project partners and their integration within the consortium;
  • Impact and dissemination – discussing the expected impact, as well as plans for disseminating results.

We extend our gratitude to the European Commission and all partners for their valuable contributions to the review process. The discussions offered insightful feedback and highlighted areas for improvement as we continue our journey to achieve BOOSTER’s ambitious goals.